Monday, November 10, 2008


so since my first post, i've been locked and under review for spam blogging. i don't even know what that means. i could click the link and read it (i actually did click the link and skim thru it), but it just comes across as blah blah blah you're an idiot. but i'm not! i didn't spam anything. and why is it called spam anyway? spam is the name of a very salty yet still delicious (in moderation) luncheon meat that may or may not actually be meat. yet somehow spam is what they call crap e-mails that fill my inbox at work because someone out there thinks i need viagra. spam is what they call my blog, probably because i wrote about the irregularity of my bowel movements on a slow and boring day. how ridiculous. how annoying. somehow though, i'm still able to write this and post it as i am under review. who does the reviewing anyway? how does that work? i sit here and contemplate the future of my new blogspot while somebody out there in cyberland decides my fate without knowing anything about me except that i don't poop daily? i should've followed my first instincts and not jumped on the blogwagon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't let the man get to you. Keep blogging, I demand it, woman! :D And for the record, spam (as in spam musubi or spam-kim chi fried rice) is the bomb diggity, like Hollypop, if @n3tym3rz ever gets around to her again!