Thursday, July 9, 2009

why am i here?

i just spent 30 minutes catching up on a blog that i forgot existed (thus the comments on several posts heehee), and now i'm sitting here looking at my own and wondering why i'm even here sitting in front of the computer right now. i could get really existential and wonder why i'm even here on earth and what is my purpose, but the truth is i'm just wondering why i'm not watching disc 2 of Freaks and Geeks (so wonderful - why do all the good shows die?) or reading more of The Time Traveler's Wife (didn't like the style of writing at first, but damn it's a good story). i have concluded that i am doing neither because i am here, staring at the monitor. also, i have this problem where as soon as i plant my butt when i get home, i unfornately get stuck. i mean, sure i will get up and get food, munchies, drinks, a hoodie, whatever - BUT i will come back to the spot. and today i blame you mike gillis for being the reason that i planted my butt in front of the computer because this is the last place i want to be after spending all day looking at my monitor at work. and you are there, wherever there is, staring at your own monitor, and wondering why i don't just get up and walk away and do something else as i clearly have options. and i wish i could tell you that it's that easy to just get up. but i'm not kidding when i say that my butt gets planted. it's like a magnet. i have so far gotten up to wash my hands 3 times (not consecutively), check on the pork ribs, take the pork ribs out, got pork ribs twice (thanks father!), and then got a cup of water (hot, even in hot weather because that is how i like it). and every time i could go somewhere else, but i don't. and now i'm thinking how ridiculous it i am that i can come home and get parked on the couch or on the bed or on this very uncomfortable chair in my mother's office (better monitor for watching mike gillis than my laptop) and if my mother were home tonight she would've booted me off by now so she could "work" (while playing freecell and watching a streaming asian movie online) and i wouldn't be here anymore so i would have had to park somewhere else. but i was going to say that i am ridiculous for being so ... i don't even know what the word is. but why can't i relocate? i need to figure out how to do more than one thing when i get home after work. this doesn't happen if i go out because there's no settling into one place for several hours before bedtime. it's just when i get home right after work and i have no plans. usually i'm on the couch and catching up with my shows (being able to record tv is the best thing that ever happened to me - i'm not even joking). i need to do something. i need to experiment. i need to move from here to another location in my house and not come back!

***20 minutes later, i am still here. wtf. ok, really, i'm getting up now. up Up and AWAY!


Anonymous said...

Did you end up finishing the time traveler's wife??? I need to remember to bring the books back! lol! :)

franksabunch said...

You crack me up, Poopsalot. If it weren't for your frequent mentions of being planted on your butt I'd think that you wrote this post while running around in circles in your room!

franksabunch said...

And yes! FOFIL's prob was a humangaloid character flaw. how do I know this? He never apologized for anything when he was sober!!!