Monday, August 31, 2009

if Jack Bauer was a superhero, he'd be Jack Bauer

i have a new addiction and it's more powerful than my cravings for alcohol. it's 24. how the f was this show on for 8 years and i never saw it? like not even a few minutes of it. and for as long as it has been on, people have been telling me to watch it. i watch everything on tv and i somehow missed this little gem. in the last 7 days i have watched all of season 1 and started season 2 of this show. and i can't stop. from the first hour that Jack Bauer was having the longest day of his life till the day ended with **i don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen this but should** dead in his arms, i was consumed. every day all i wanted to do was go home and watch 24. i was sleeping late and tired through the day and yet somehow i was awake and watching more instead of napping when i got home. my whole weekend was spent in my pyjamas watching this show. i only stopped long enough to have dinner with friends. then i went home and continued until 5am. and somewhere along the way i figured out where they developed the concept for one of my fave but now defunct shows, the unit. that really made it for me. it was so exciting.
anyway, i'm in season 2 now, Jack Bauer is back, and i have a feeling this is going to be another week filled with my new obsession.
btw, wtf bella's dad was soooo creepy back when he was megan's dad. lol. i don't know if i'm going to be able to look at charlie swan the same way now that i've seen him in full creep mode. because yes, the roles actors take totally change how i feel about them. and yes, i am one of those people who thinks people on tv are my friends. or my enemies.
and if you're wondering about my posting frequency, just assume that my butt is planted to my couch and move on.
but seriously, how did i let this one get by me?? 24 is AWESOME! (plus i have a full fall schedule coming up, so i gotta squeeze in as many seasons of 24 in as i can before i won't have time anymore. and my pvr holds less since i record in hd. and yes, by full fall schedule i'm referring to tv programming.)
and running commentary as 2.2 is on currently: i thought kim was being so dumb, and just when it's like, omg you moron, call your father, she does something redeeming like beats down charlie swan with a jack iron thingy. that was pretty kickass. i need to stop thinking of him as charlie swan before new moon comes out.
holy crap have you seen the new pix released of the volturi??? they look awesome. i'm a huge dakota fanning fan. actually, all the younger cast was well chosen. they've all played creepy roles that i remember them in. very well done. i'm so excited.
i'm all over the map today. you may think i'm on drugs. but i'm not. it's just Jack Bauer.

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