Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i hate being sick

i am finally getting over my cold. i think. last time i thought that i spent an hour coughing. and i was hoping the phlegm would just get coughed up but no, every time i thought this is it! it totally tricked me and disappeared. so i don't know where it all went, but i know that i did not spit it out. lol. so gross. what did come out in spades was my snot. it was like never ending brain juice coming out through my nose. cuz the more i blew out into those tissues, the more my head seemed to weigh less. i hope you didn't just eat breakfast before reading this lovely post.

so this cold was good for finishing up 24 season 3 and getting started on supernatural season 4 because i took one day off work. but the other days i went to work and that was rough. not rough in the sense that i couldn't function, but i just would have preferred being in pyjamas.

but this cold was bad for other stuff!! i was supposed to go bridal dress shopping in the states with my bffs and i got screwed by the cold so i couldn't go. of course they end up picking the wedding gown and bridesmaids dresses on the first go. it always happens when i'm not there. i think i am destined to never be present to see the look on my brides' faces when they put on their dress for the first time and know that this is the One. i bet if i had gone then we wouldn't have found anything and it would have been fruitless. or at least that's what i tell myself about not being able to go.

this cold also sucks because it makes people tell you things like go to bed early, are you sure you should eat that when you're sick?, i don't think that's good for you, and worst of all - you wouldn't be sick all the time if you exercised. bleh. i hate exercise. HATE! i love being a sloth! just let me be!

k, that's all i got today. hopefully tomorrow i'll be at 100%. this 98% thing just isn't good enough.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

the soul train has left the station

things i hate about people on the canada line public transit:

1. the people who sit on the outside seat
2. those same people getting annoyed at every person who has to climb over them to get in/out of the other seat
3. people who stand in doorwells. get the f out the way, i wanna get off!
4. people who push. seriously, just wait
5. boy people who push ahead - it's even worse. whatever happened to ladies first? i miss chivalry
6. people who hold the bar near you with their armpits exposed and/or in your face
7. people who talk loudly on the phone. isn't that why we invented text messaging and bbm?
8. people who talk loudly to each other - your friend is RIGHT THERE! why is being loud necessary??
9. people with backpacks - take it off and put it between your feet
10. people who touch me, even if it's just barely and because we're holding onto the same pole. i just can't stand it.
11. people who clog up the stairs and go slow. we need a fast lane people! move! move! move!!
12. ugly couples indulging in their pda's. barf!! actually, i hate pda's in general. just get a room

to be continued...

i'm sure there are more, but that's all i can think of right now.

13. people who yell questions to the bus driver - if you want to talk to the nice driver, get off your ass and go up to the front!
14. people who put their bags/belongings in the seat next to them, especially as more and more people are getting on the bus. guess what? no one actually wants to sit with you!! most of us just want to sit back and chill after a day of work or school. move your shit!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

so long, summer

first, i realized while watching twilight with the commentary on that bella's mom is nina from 24. bella officially has the worst parents ever. Jack Bauer still rules. i finished season 2 last night. i have to wait until tomorrow before i get season 3. luckily, melrose place debuts tonight so i'll have much to do! who needs sunshine when i have so many new friends and enemies to be made on tv.

having said that, the sun is shining right now, and that makes me happy while slaving away behind my desk. by slaving i mean figuring out what to put in my blog.

i didn't drink any coffee on the weekend. i overcame all the crappy headaches and withdrawals... but after drinking half of this morning's coffee, i'm all jittery and crazy. maybe i should have stayed off the coffee. argh. what a weird feeling.

had my first thanksgiving dinner of the year last night. we call it bernie's thanksgiving b/c he lives in asia so we usually have an early thanksgiving for him to enjoy before he returns. this year it just happened especially early. but who cares? turkey and stuffing and potatoes and gravy = heaven in my mouth!