Wednesday, December 22, 2010

waiting seems stupid

so i just saw the trailer for waiting for forever, out in february. and it reminded me of "love in the time of cholera" - the book, not the movie. i couldn't watch the movie because i hated the book. i was surprised by how much i hated the book because i loved serendipity, which is why i read the book in the first place. florentino basically waits his whole life for fermina, and she spends her whole life rejecting him. and as romantic as some people think it is for him to wait for the woman he loves, the truth is, it's not romantic. it's pathetic. she doesn't love you. move on. and then they made a movie and again, they try to romanticize it. and now i've seen this trailer for this new movie and will is stalking emma because he thinks he loves her because they grew up together. and at least they have a basis for their relationship unlike florentino and fermina, but still, she moved on dude. and so should you. but what bugs me is really like rachel bilson and i kinda want to see the movie even though i think i will be annoyed. i've made myself sit thru a lot of bad movies for the actors i like, so i'll probably do it for this one too. i don't even know why i'm watching anything right now. it's way past my bedtime.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


it doesn't feel like 700. it doesn't even feel like almost 2 years, which is coming up in 30 days. maybe because sometimes i have these dreams where i decide to drink and then i drink and drink and i wake up in a total panic because i thought i was weak and slipped and had a drink or ten. but then i realize that i'm awake now and it was just a dream. a dream that felt real.
some days it's become really easy to not pay attention to people if they're drinking around me and to not think about it. some days. other days i want to drink. and every once in awhile, i even think i want to have a rock star night where i just drink myself into oblivion. and this doesn't happen when i'm sad or having a rough day or anything. i have these cravings for no reason. i've always had these cravings for no good reason. except now that i don't give in to them, i'm a generally happier and healthier human being. and isn't that reason enough to not do it?
at 700 i'm feeling pretty good.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Just turned 30 the other day. Doesn't feel different. But I remember it, so that's an improvement from most of my 20s. In fact, looking back, a lot of my 20s are a blur. So this decade of my life, I will be Sober, and I will remember things. Or at least, what I can with what's left of my remembering cells. 30. I tried to quit drinking the first time around... I want to say 24 but who really knows. It didn't stick until I was 28. Now I'm 30. I've been dry for almost 2 years. A huge change is that I'm weepy now. Maybe that's Sobriety, maybe it's my old lady hormones. Except that 30 isn't old. I don't feel old. But I feel weepy. Things make me cry that didn't before. TV or movie moments that are poignant for the family onscreen. Saying good-bye. Other people crying. Situations that remind me of something emotional in my life- even if I wasn't able to show emotion when it happened. Now I really feel all those formerly suppressed feelings. Is it Sobriety or is it 30? Who knows... But I think I like this Me. Definitely an improvement over crazy drunk angry Me.

At the time of this posting, my grampa is in the hospital again. The doctors told my uncle something cryptic about it not looking good and tell family members. I hold onto the hope that I will see him when I go in 2 weeks. I will stay positive and stop being all weepy about it. I will see him in 2 weeks. And I will tell him I'm 30 now and thank him for being my best friend when I was 3. 30 is going to be a good year.

Sent from my awesome BlackBerry

Sunday, August 29, 2010

And then sometimes, I go out

Last night was one of my bestests' staggette. I should say local stag since we already hit up Vegas in June. And nothing compares to Vegas. NOTHING! But we had a fantastic time last night...
After sobriety, I discovered all the things I hate about this city. And it came down to one thing: the people. In the midst of the beauty and serenity that is BC, there is this hub in the middle of the Lower Mainland where all the posers gravitate. These are the sheltered folks who don't understand that there is more to life than your circle of drug dealing friends with lots of money. There is more than having large fake breasts or long blonde hair (black if you're Asian) or ridiculously fake eyelashes and enough makeup on your face to make Steven Tyler pretty. There is more than expensive clothing, LV handbags, and Louboutin shoes. There is more than bedazzled Ed Hardy tees and fauxhawk haircuts and steroids to make your muscles big. But here is where the arrogant, self-centered, pretentious, obnoxious, trendy, hipster, yuppie, yappie types all come to "play." And let's get real here- their idea of a good time isn't throwing down, drinking too much, and having a good time. They prefer to pose on the sidelines and stare down everyone else. And when they do move, they bowl everyone else down because they think they're better. This picture is what the party scene looks like to me now. Gone are the days when I can show up in a t-shirt and just jam. Now you gotta put on your face and dress like a skank (if you can afford it, at least you can look like a classy skank), and pose for awhile in order to be accepted. But last night, we were decked out for our themed stagette night. We also had masks that made us feel like superheroes- awesome yet anonymous! Unfortunately, it was very Superman/Clark Kent because I was still recognized, but whatever, for awhile I believed in the disguise! And it felt like back in the day when I could just go out and throw down like no one's judging. Of course we hit a glitch when our bachelorette's fiance's crazy (like psycho crazy) bitch ex appeared and she tried to fight us (by try I mean she lunged and let her friends "hold her back"). But we won anyway because we had a blast, boys loved us, and we were awesome! She was just miserable and hateful and not fun to be around.
One of the great things about last night was being hit on by young boy people. It's a great feeling when a fresh-faced youngun who can't grow facial hair tells you you're pretty and asks you to dance. Especially when you say thanks, but you're too young for me and he says, "but I'm almost 20!" Because in 36 days, I'll be 30 dude. And another boy told me he wished he was 7 years older so I would give him a chance. It's a club, they're young, and just looking to party. I get that. But I can't dance with you if you can't keep up!
At the end of the night, I was crawling into bed just before 6am and wondering how I made it through without dying of exhaustion at my seasoned age (oh yes, ran into someone who called me old, said I used to be the prettiest girl in the scene, and tried to cover by saying I'm still hot, and I'm not old just seasoned-thanks pal). Today my body hurts, my head feels like I'm hungover even though I didn't drink, and I'm just so tired! I won't be doing this again anytime soon, but man, that was a good night. And here's the recipe: Special Occassion + Good Friends + 2 Whips + 10 Masks + a ton of Booze for the imbibers + 2 Free burgers (even after someone puked in the drive-thru lane) + Pole/Lap dance practice + No line/cover + a Shower to wash off the beer and tequila on my legs = Success!! Don't be jealous because I'm awesome.
On that note, I wish haters would find their own little bits of awesome instead of just hating all the time. How exhausting it must be to be a negative person.

Sent from my awesome BlackBerry

Friday, August 13, 2010

606 Days

I guess this is a good sign. Day 600 came and went, and I didn't even think about it being significant. The milestones are getting further apart. I think when I hit 7 years though, I'll go get myself a killer neck tattoo like Aldous Snow. Or something. It's become a lot easier to say no now. Mostly because I've come so far. Being past 600 days makes me really really not want to go back to 0. And after all the times I've quit and started again, I know now that social drinking is not an option. It always starts with just one. Most importantly, I've learned a lot about myself. Maybe I'm not addicted to drinking anymore. But now I'm addicted to my Blackberry. I'm addicted to TV. But these are things that won't make me feel sick, so I accept these addictions as a lesser evil. I guess this is just an update, in case you were wondering. I am 606 days sober and I feel really good about it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the never-ending offspring debate

in which, i am always the winner. because let's face it people; who knows me better than i do?

so i guess i am at that age when everyone around me is getting married and/or having babies. and i as much as i love the babies in my life, i really don't love babies in general. or kids. i'm not a fan of kids. i don't like them, i don't want them. i can be nice to them and play with them and i'll like the odd few and even love the exceptional ones (or the ones i share some dna with). but that's my limit. i have no interest or desire to reproduce. i have never had an interest or desire to reproduce. and having said that, i would not consider adoption or any other means of procuring a little person to take home and raise.

the arguments are as follows: you will change your mind when you meet the "one" (woah, one step at a time here. by the time that happens i may be 50 and dried up. for that matter, it may never happen. and guess what? the "one" for me - he doesn't want kids either). you will change your mind when your clock starts ticking (what clock? i don't have these internal tickers telling me i'm getting old and i need to settle down). you will change your mind when your niece and nephew grow older and/or you see them less often (what? that doesn't even make sense). you will change your mind when you grow up (have you met me?). you will change your mind - you just will (NO. and suck it).

and the most important thing to remember here is that i am happy. i don't need to settle down with a man to make my life complete. sure, it'd be nice, but it's not necessary. and i wouldn't settle with anyone just for the sake of conformity. i don't need children to make my life complete. sure, it's magical and whatever for the people who do it, but that's them and i'm me. so please stop telling me that what i want is to have kids, because i think i know what i want. and i'm pretty sure it's not kids.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

the complete opposite

i did something weird today. weird for a sunday in town, that is. i woke up early, i got out of my pyjamas, and i left my house. and then, i didn't try to come back right away. i stayed out!! crazy right?

i headed down to and nicole marie events' Vancouver's 1st Cupcake Challenge. it was so cool! as soon as i got there, i knew it was something special because the crowd was intense. i made my way in and sampled one of the last of Cake Tease's lemon something or another cupcakes. it was yummy! then i had one of Indulgence's chocolate something or another and it was okay. very thick and rich. i like my cupcakes light and fluffy. which was why when i hit Bon Gateau right after and sampled their chocolate, i felt like i was in cupcake heaven. i also had one of Frosting's delicious Love Potion cupcakes and Big City's vanilla celebration. i tried a couple of other things too but i can't remember it all now. i was just reaching in and grabbing what i could in that crazy crowd lol. after getting my fix, i volunteered and helped out because that's what friends do and i like helping. helping is rewarding. by staying, i was rewarded with one of Bon Gateau's Mango cupcakes. omg. i don't even like mango anything and i LOVED this cupcake. it was all light and fluffy and tasty and delicious. YUM!!

then as i left, i walked toward the train and instead of getting on it, i waited for my friend m to reply to me and (finally) he did! so i met up with him and his girl and we walked. we walked down to the seawall and we walked out to english bay (and paused for a "drink" - i had a non-alc OJ) and we walked through the remnants of car-free-fest on denman and we walked up robson and we walked to the city ctr train and that was the end of our walk but damn that was a lot of walking. but the fantastic part was just hanging out and catching up with my friend! i feel a little bad that i didn't get to know his girl as well as i could have, but we just had so much to talk about. that's what happens when you hide from people. and when you choose pj's over going out. lol.

but today i was outside all day and i enjoyed it. i socialized with several people and i didn't run away. i also didn't freak. big day for me. haha! i think that it's not that i'm scared of people, i just don't want to be around that many of them. but when i am, i can do it. as long as there are people i like around, i'll always be okay. so maybe - MAYBE - i will get out more. we'll see...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

i heart the duff

i was starting to think that i'm addicted to bad movies, but i'm realizing that i'm not. because when a movie sucks, a lot of times i can say it totally sucks. i think what i'm addicted to is people with a lack of talent. people like hilary duff. i'm a huge fan of the duff. i have seen everything she's been in. well, almost everything. after forcing myself to watch war, inc because of the cusack and the duff, i realized that sometimes i have to just say no. because i can't get those couple hours back. and man, war, inc was not good. it's terribly disappointing because i love these people. hilary duff makes me happy. i wish she would come out with a new album of awesome and catchy pop songs. i wish she would do another movie with haylie duff and do the entire soundtrack instead of just a remix of a kickass 80s tune. i want to see her make out with more cute boys who only ever seem to make one movie. i really enjoy her, even when she's in sucky movies like according to greta or beauty and the briefcase.
and cusack.. i love this man. serendipity, seen it over and over and over again. say anything - wonderful. war, inc? yuck.
but do i stop? no. i imdb these people and look up all their sucky films that never made it big and i sit through them because.. i don't know why. i just do. and even when i sit through a sucky one, i still look up the next one. i have problems. and on top of that, my mamajama just asked me if i sit in front of the tv all day, will i go crazy and lose my mind? i told her no. because of course that's what i'm going to say. but if i ever go crazy and/or lose my mind, then we will all know it's because i spend these random days doing absolutely nothing but watching tv shows and movies.
today i have watched (thanks a lot megs) whip it, cloudy with a chance of meatballs, astro boy, where the wild things are, the last 4 episodes of 24 season 4 (omg Jack Bauer is "dead" - how is he supposed to come back??), and now i'm watching according to greta.
maybe i've already lost my mind..

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

how do i feel this good sober?

i just got back from vegas. i spent all this time agonizing about how i was going to get through this 4-day weekend sober. i haven't been sober in vegas since i was a teenager. and between then and now, there were a lot of trips to vegas. trips i barely remember! but i know they were fun. i often think that sober holly isn't very fun. i mean, i sit around a lot in my pyjamas and watching so much tv that i believe jack bauer is real. i have little desire to go out. maybe it's this city. everything is expensive and you get all dressed up and go out and then it's just disappointing. the people are pretentious and shallow. and sober, i just don't feel like trying. but vegas, you can't go to vegas and be a bum. esp if you're there for a stag(ette). so i went to vegas and i wanted to drink. i wanted to drink jager and i wanted to drink goose and i wanted to drink margaritas in the sunshine. i have to say, this was probably one of the worst times in the last year and a half.
to compensate, i drank a lot.. of energy drinks. because without the kick, i couldn't have kept up. i would have wanted to sleep. a lot. so i had red bull. i had rock star. i had monster. i had coffee. and i was cracked out. but when you're like, super awake and ready to rock, the alcohol cravings die. so i guess it's a matter of the lesser of 2 evils. plus, it's been easier to wean off the intense caffiene that it was to quit drinking.
since i've been back, i've had only coffee. i had 2 yesterday but only 1 today. of course, i've also been falling asleep A LOT on my couch. but dude, who comes back from vegas and doesn't need sleep? esp since i jumped back into the work thing.
man am i tired.
anyway, i made it through the weekend. i partied hard and did it all in high heels and i fought my cravings and i made it home sober. that feels pretty damn good. and i think for the most part, i was still pretty damn fun! i say for the most part because i had a turning point where i was not fun. i was good ol' angry holly. which reminded me of drunk angry holly. which brought me back to being really happy about being sober. lol. but that was just a glitch. this was def in the top 3 in terms of trips to vegas!! 4 days, 3 nights, 1 stag, 1 wedding, lots of caffiene, and late night eating in the company of some of my favorite people! good freaking times.
btw. congrats to my beautiful friend S and her man! i'm so happy and honored to have been even a small part of such a special day!
ok i'm going back to sleep now. because that's all i've done since i've been home. work, eat, poop, sleep, wake up, sleep, wake up, sleep. lol.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

prince of persia spoiler alert

even though i'm not sure how you could spoil something that is utterly predictable.

so i went to watch this movie because it was for freeeeee! and i love free. and it starts with a bunch of white people with british accents wearing heavy eyeliner. because the eyeliner makes white people look persian.

i'd like to take this opportunity to clarify that i am not a racist jerk. i hate everyone equally.

anyway, i have known people of persian descent. and their accents are not british. i'm pretty sure their accents weren't british back in the time this movie was supposed to take place either. i'm also pretty certain that none of them look like white people with eyeliner. white people with eyeliner look like that bitch little j on gossip girl.

i also think princess what's her face from the bond movie and jake g had zero chemistry. every time they stopped to stare into each other's eyes and risk their lives instead of saving the world, i wanted to scream. i didn't feel it. at. all. plus she was annoying.

and what was up with that? you have to save the world from evil and crazy bad guys are chasing you. so that seems like the perfect time to stop and almost kiss because..???

the best part of this movie is jake g's parkour skills. and most of the time, i think it was a stunt double anyway. but it's cool. and the ostrich guy is hilarious.

that is all. go watch it, you'll like it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

there's always next year

another nhl season has ended. i don't even think i care who the final 4 are at this point because the only thing that matters is that the canucks are not there. the city has gone from being canucks crazed to .. well, not. during the post-season, i saw people walking around in their jerseys and t-shirts, their flags waving on their cars. literally the next day, there was not a hint of blue and green to be seen anywhere. it's funny to me how fast these "fans" just turn it off. one day they claim to be in love, and the next they've moved on like it never happened. kind of like me and all the boys i've dated. except that by acknowledging that fact, i guess i've also acknowledged that it happened. but still, i'm in denial. stop interrupting.
as a fan that is still in love, i am sad. i didn't want to talk about it, but i've been forced to have conversations about what they could have done better, what changes need to be made, and who won't be coming back next year. i am not going to repeat any of those things here. i'm not an analyst. i don't know hockey the way some people (named arnold) know hockey. i can't recite stats, i don't know who screwed up the most (maybe i do. yeah, i'm talking about you kevin bieksuck), and i don't know what luongo needs to do to play like gold medal roberto luongo. but those things don't matter. what matters is that theses guys will shake it off. they'll go and have their off-season with their families (or at the roxy. yeah, i'm talking about you OB) and come back and start over next season. and i'll be there. i'll be ready. and i'll be cheering for them.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mamajama Day!

I wake up.
I take a shower.
I drink coffee and eat oatmeal.
I get a massage with my mamajama.
I get a facial with my mamajama.
I get my hair washed and blow-dried with my mamajama.
I watch the Canucks game with my family (and friend).
I eat delicious take-out.
The Canucks win.

That's a Happy Day right there. And if you haven't seen The Lookout, you should (I heart JGL).

Sent from my awesome BlackBerry

Thursday, April 29, 2010

500 Days

and the most amazing part? when i spend time with my niece, i don't even think about it. i don't think i want to drink, i don't think i miss drinking, it doesn't even cross my mind. and now there are 2 of them to keep me strong. those 2 little people are the best part of my life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

babywatch 2010

a couple of years ago, i KNEW my sister would give birth early and so i got on a plane a few days before the due date, and 7 hours after i landed, her water broke. it was awesome and magical and my niece and i are super close (even though she's only 2, she knows who spoils her the most).

so fast forward to now and baby due date was april 25th. i flew out there on the 16th thinking, i'll spend a few days with my niece, baby will come, round 2, fight! except that there was no baby. despite the contractions the last month or more and all the signs pointing to an early baby, he decided not to be an early baby. and then i changed my return flight to stay an extra day and i hung out and waited and waited. but he decided not to be on time either.

and here's the thing - the doctor did some medical stuff to help move it along faster.. but to no avail. we consulted with spirits. he told our friend that he was coming one day. but he tricked us. we even went to the emerg in the middle of the night, unsure if my sis' water had broken. yeah, no. then another consult told us he was on his way. nope.

so my conclusion is this. 1. he is a taurus. he is stubborn and bull-headed. although, that could also describe any of the men in our blended families, so maybe being a taurus has nothing to do with it. 2. he is a joker. every time we were like, yes - this is it! it was not. not even close. somewhere in my sis' belly, he is laughing at us. on the bright side, we're all jokers, so we'll have a good time. 3. he is definitely related, because he doesn't know the meaning of punctuality. so if he's running on chinese time, he'll show up... when he feels like it. 4. he just didn't want me to be the first family member to see him naked. how modest. that's not gonna work. nobody in my family is modest.

well i am home now. baby didn't come. and unlike my worst fears, he didn't come out while i was flying either. phew! so i don't know when he's coming. no one does. and i'm okay with that. disappointed, yes. i just spent 9.5 days in the armpit of canada man! but i got to hang with my niece the whole time, give my sis a break from the other chaos (in-laws, my crazy mamajama, anxious hubs), and just chill. so at least it wasn't a totally poopy vacay. but if this baby comes out and they're not bringing him back w/in a reasonable time, i may jet out there for a weekend. ugh. don't make me go back there.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i think i smell bad

i like long weekends. since thursday after work, i have watched 2 canucks games, finished 2 books, watched 5 movies, and spent 24 hours in my pyjamas. before the weekend is over, i will watch another canucks game (live yay!) and eat excellent food. why don't we have long weekends more often? oh right, because the government sucks.

if i could, i would stay in bed for a little bit longer, but alas, it's almost 2pm and i have to get up now. yes, that's right, 2pm. i like sundays.

here are my reviews for this weekend:

Hot Tub Time Machine = AWESOME!! i love the 80s, John Cusack, and sci fi so this movie pretty much rules.

Chloe = Pretty Damn Good. If you're into movies that are creepy with hot crazy chicks, this is a movie for you. I figured it out early on, but still totally enjoyed it.

The Host = from the author of Twilight, i sat down to read this saturday afternoon and finished a few hours later because i had nothing else to do. it was really good. i wish there were more because i really liked the characters and the relationships they developed and i'm used to reading serials so the things i like can go on and on.

Bonus Section: for all you vampire/werewolf lovers out there, Laurell K Hamilton is the BEST EVER! i am addicted to her Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series!! i am currently waiting for Skin Trade to come out on paperback, but i've read everything in this series from book 1. SO AWESOME!! and there are a bunch of her fans out there who hate that about 10 books into it she turned it into literary porn, but i don't really care. i love that anita blake just goes on to fight another day. and if you can get through the sex, the stories are still great.

okay i better get up now.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

a letter

dear ryan kesler,

i don't care if you hate canadians, or vancouver fans, or french people. i don't even care if you hate me. but i want you to know that when you say you hate people, there are people out there who get mad. i wasn't one of those people. i stayed true. i wore my kesler jersey to your first game back in vancouver instead of my lu one. i defended you to all my friends who told me that they now hate you because you hate them. i think you're fantastic and you play great hockey. i think your wife is pretty and your daughter is really cute.

but my point ryan kesler, is that not all of the fans in this city are like the fans you hate. there are fans like me out there. fans who stick by you no matter what. fans who love the team no matter where they are in the standings (with the exception of bieksuck - can you please ask him to stop pinching?). fans who are not suits, who spend hard-earned money to go see you guys play, even when times are tough. hate on everyone you want ryan kesler, but not all of the fans out here are sucky fans. i just wanted you to know that.

your fan,

Monday, March 1, 2010

the great olympic hangover

we had 17 days of non-stop action over in our little corner of the world. the olympics came and went and i think it has changed everyone. except maybe the angry protestors.. i'm pretty sure they are still angry. but for the rest of us, we played hosts to the world. and despite all the misgivings and lack of feeling before the spotlight landed, once the opening ceremonies got the ball rolling, it was just action-packed for 17 days straight.

i was pretty into the idea of hosting the olympics from the start. i thought it would be fun to have it here, to have all those people here. i thought it would be fun to see the city get into it. by city, i don't just mean vancouver but all of the lower mainland. it was funny, nobody i knew wanted any of the gear ahead of time. i got a pair of mittens for my birthday back in october and i was SO excited! i got all my mascot dolls as soon as they came out. i got my hoodies in december before i headed south for the holidays so i could wear my colors with pride. i was ready.

well before the olympics, my own out-of-town houseguests arrived and they were going to be here for over a month. they brought with them more goodies for the rest of us. i got my coveted canada jersey, and a trapper hat. i was so ready. my godbrother had scored us tickets for 3 hockey games in the first week and one of them was a CANADA game! i was so ready.

so the opening ceremonies finally arrived and we were all gathered in my living room with our pizza and drinks and snacks and each other and we were ready! no opening ceremony will ever compare to beijing - i mean, they had the manpower and the venue to make that kind of magic. we're just a little city with a small number of volunteers. but it didn't matter. we had heart. from the start, i did nothing but watch events. i don't think i've ever watched the olympics the way i watched this one. i don't think i've ever cared so much. but now i was taking it all in. i learned what the biathlon is this year, and how it became an event. i learned names of athletes that were competing when in years past, i would only know the names of our medal winners. and those names would then fade from memory. and it wasn't just names, it was stories. stories of all these different athletes and how some of them made their way here and the hardships that they overcame. and knowing these small details made me cheer even harder for them.

i went downtown a couple of times. for the most part i try to avoid the crowds. but when i did go, it was so incredible. the vibe and the energy was unlike anything i've ever experienced here before. there was so much to see and do. i didn't get to see as much as i would have liked, but i'm okay with that. it was enough for me to just be a part of it all.

my first hockey game was fantastic. it was Canada vs Norway and i was ready to cheer for my team. i got to go up to the 4th floor and see a view of the rink that not everyone gets to see. gm place had been completely transformed to this wonderful olympic venue. the colors were awesome! all the blue and green reminded me of the canucks. and despite the rumors of long lines and long waits, i somehow managed to not have to wait that long at any time. looking out at the sea of red and all the canadian flags, i was impressed. one of my biggest complaints as a diehard canuck fan is that you would never see everyone wearing the same color on game night. sure there's a lot of blue, but there is also the old navy/maroon or the black and orange, or worst of all, the bright yellow orange and the red V. add to that the pink jerseys (barf) and the suits and the random people who just wore whatever, and gm place was always an amalgam of colors that didn't feel like love. but this was different. this was canada hockey place and it was a sea of red and white. everyone was in love with the same team and it was magical. winning that night made me feel so excited for canada's prospects in these games - i mean, 8-0, that's awesome!!

when i went to watch Sweden vs Germany, i decided to show my love for the sedin twins by dressing in a sweden hoodie and scarf. for one night, i was swedish! someone even spoke swedish to me! but then he realized i was just a poser and spoke english after that. but for 10 seconds, he thought i was one of them. i sat a few seats away from a gentleman from sweden who had gone to school with daniel alfredsson. what a cool thing to be able to tell people. during that game, i also tried to pick up some german chants, but they were pretty complicated. but i can say "deutschland!" according to the swedish dudes, they didn't have any chants, so we just hollered loudly the way canadians do. the swedes won that night, and i continued feeling elated.

the last game i attended was USA vs Norway. we decided ahead of time that we would cheer for everyone. sure enough, no matter which team scored, we jumped out of our seats and celebrated that goal. it was so much. i was sitting next to some coyotes fans from arizona, and they were having a good time, just taking it all in. a player from norway, vikingstad, he had the best name! and later in the games he got a hattrick. yay vikingstad! at that game, i also saw ryan kesler's family at the store. his wife is pretty, his kid is cute. and they were all so happy looking. but mostly, it was like, being thisclose to ryan kesler haha.

i was also lucky enough to attend a curling match! i do enjoy curling very much. it's not as complicated to follow and it's way harder than it looks. but every match starts with bagpipes - what's not to love?? jolly good times!

and then, as luck would have it, i met jon montgomery. he came into my workplace to support RIGHT TO PLAY (google it, it's an awesome charity) and give some interviews (yes, there were camera crews at my work). we were lucky he was cool enough to stick around for a bit and take pictures with us and i even got to hold his medal. it was so cool! SO COOL!! and then we spotted patrick chan on the sidewalk and ran out and got a photo with him as well. that was cool beans. i also got a picture with bryan wilson, the american bronze winner of men's moguls. it was a cool experience.

this past weekend i watched the last of the events with mixed emotions. one was nervousness - would canada be able to beat usa in the rematch? i just didn't know. of course i said "YES!!" to anyone who asked me. of course i believed we could. but a part of me was just nervous - what if we didn't? would i have to hear about it from all the americans i know? would i have to buy more in-n-out if i lost another bet? would luongo be able to come back and perform if he lost? what if ryan kesler scored the winning goal against us again? could i still love him after that? there were so many random things in my head.

of course after watching the most intense game and most exciting game ever, we WON THE GOLD!!! it was a record breaking year for canada - first gold at home, most golds ever won by one country, most golds ever won by us! i was (AM) so proud to be a canadian.

the closing ceremonies were quite blah after the intensity of that game but it was just one last thing to watch. and then it was over. so i had to go downtown. i had to suck in what was left. i headed down in my jersey and hat and high fived random people and screamed and cheered wth people on the street and got myself a cameo on the 11 o'clock news. and then it was time to go.

i think that's when it started sinking in. suddenly it just wasn't as exciting anymore. suddenly i realized there was garbage everywhere. what had they done to our streets? our clean clean vancouver streets. this morning on the train, there was so much room. no one was pushing or crowding.. and i almost missed it. but then at work, there was nothing going on outside my window. there were no more athletes coming or going. no more cops out patrolling. just no one. it was all so quiet.

the great olympic hangover has nothing to do with booze and partying. (well, maybe a little partying.) it's about the fun and the excitement and how we just absorbed everything. all the events, all the sports and athletes. and now there's void as we all walk around like drones the next day, wondering what to fill ourselves with. lucky for me, i've got the canucks vs blue jackets tomorrow and hopefully the emptiness won't last. but for today, it's just a dreary feeling of the glory days being over.

i hope though, that this city doesn't lose its spirit. i hope that all the fun we have will stay with us along with the positive attitudes that i hadn't seen here in awhile. i hope our olympic hangover doesn't take 40 years to pay off like montreal. there has to be a better legacy than that.