Friday, June 8, 2012

My Gramps

This was the speech I made at my gramps' funeral. I meant to post it sooner, but then I didn't.

My name is Holly, and I am the second daughter of Hayley, the second daughter. I have a lot of memories with Grampa. But a time that is special to me was when I lived with Gramma & Grampa when I was little. Mom was working at the factory back then, so I had to go to Happyland, which was not as fun as it sounds. Grampa used to take me in his big ol' Caddy. On good days, he'd take me with him to Chinatown instead and I'd hang out while he played mah jong. Car rides were pretty awesome. As child safety wasn't in yet, I got to ride in the front seat with him. He'd reach over and squeeze my leg. He liked to do it harder and harder until you complained of the pain and then he would laugh. I used to try and hold out as long as I could but eventually he always won. Days with him were way better than days with all those kids at Happyland. Grampa would make me sandwiches that he cut into 4 strips because it was easier to eat that way. He also slipped me money when no one was looking. And even though my mom ended up with it all back then, he continued to do this every time I saw him in the years that followed. One time more recently I went to see him in the home with Uncle Willie and he kept asking Uncle Willie to give him money. Uncle Willie finally gave in and gave him $10, and Grampa proceeded to gift it to me. When my mom was working, sometimes while I was still sleeping, Uncle Willie or Uncle Wilson would come into my room and grab me then dump me in Grampa's bed. I would scramble to climb out- I was terrified that one day he'd roll over and that would be it. All the early stuff I can remember is from my time in LA living in that house. I loved Grampa's bobble head dog in his car. I loved being allowed to go anywhere with him. I loved sneaking into him and Gramma's room and looking at the pictures on his desk. I loved the way he stood with his hands folded over his belly all the time. I visited him as often as I could but I think the best times we had together were back then, when he was my babysitter, my chef, my chauffeur, and my best friend.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A girl walked into a bar... Ouch.

Wow I haven't posted anything since last August. I want to say that it is because I am too busy having a life and being cool, but the reality is probably more along the lines of I was really sad for a long time after my grandfather passed away last August, and then I was very uninteresting. Not that I have anything interesting going today that warrants posting...

In December, I celebrated 3 years of sobriety. It came and went very quietly and wasn't exactly a celebration, but I patted myself on the back and said, "Good job, Holly." After all, my own validation is all I need these days.

In February, I was at a birthday party. Instead of having someone bring me a juice like I normally do, I went to the bar myself and ordered. After telling the bartender what I wanted, I inhaled. In that moment, I wanted a drink more than I have at any point in the last couple of years. Was that my first time standing at a bar in 3 years? Was it the overwhelming odor of booze in the air? I don't know, I can't recall. Whatever it was, I felt weak. Then the bartender I guess was hearing challenged because instead of a Cranberry Juice, he poured a very not juiced up Vodka Cran. WTF buddy. I told him my order 3 times too. But I couldn't stand there anymore; I quickly left the bar and handed off the drink to someone else and took some time to inhale and exhale. I guess it doesn't matter how long I'm sober for, once in awhile, I'm always going to want to drink something alcoholic. And all I can hope is that I'm always strong enough to not take the drink.